We were doing so well with an almost weekly post...and here it's Wednesday. Oh, well.
Today marks the end of my critical care month and John's orthopedic surgery month. John's off to Kentucky for a climbing adventure in the Red River Gorge--the best "local" climbing around--and I'm starting a month in the Emergency Room tomorrow. How's that for fair? No complaining, though, as Big Momma, Atticus and I are heading south next week to New Orleans for a conference and a rendezvous with Grandpa Tom while John stays here for 12 hour day shifts at the hospital.
Since our last update, Atticus has
- gotten his first sunburn (mild enough that he didn't even notice) and subsequently
his first sunglasses
- visited the local zoo and met a proud peacock or two
- added words like "up...uppppp...upppphhh" and "uh oh" and "tree" to his vocabulary
- climbed into the rocking chair and rocked it like nobody's business
- garnered attention in a restaurant after attempting to scale his high chair and nearly pulling it down on top of himself. The waitress noted, "He's a little wild, isn't he?" How does one properly answer that?
We got a new Signing Time DVD last week that focuses on "family, feelings and fun" in an effort to help the Little Man with his frustration when the adults don't properly understand his grunts and points. I just learned the sign for "grumpy" and "silly" which Atticus particularly enjoys and is sure to put to good use in short order. His other new signs are "rain" & "tree" & "leaf" which are all quite useful given the season.
Turns out most of our collective energy this week has been focused on bedtime. Little Man's been having some difficulty going down lately. While we've got plenty of theories, we've got no sure answers. Last night was an almost two-hour ordeal. Tonight it took less than 15 minutes. We can hope we're setting a new trend.